Stripy Swiss Roll

Serves: 8 Cooking time: 10 minutes

It seems you can’t go to a Christmas party without a chocolate log appearing at some stage, but if you find them a bit heavy at the end of a big meal, you might prefer this lighter lower sugar version. 


For the roll:

  • 3 large eggs
  • 120g plain flour
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp cold water
  • 20g dark chocolate drops (or finely chopped 90% dark chocolate) melted together with ½ tsp coconut oil

For the filling:

  • 150g Double Cream
  • 10g Total Sweet Xylitol
  • Reduced sugar raspberry jam, use store-bought (or visit our website again soon for our own recipe)


For the roll:


  1. Oven on to 200oC/180oC fan

  2. Line a swiss roll pan or small baking tray (approx 33 X 23cm)
  3. Melt the chocolate and coconut oil together until smooth and leave to cool slightly.
  4. With a stand mixer, whisk the eggs and xylitol together for a good 10 minutes until pale and voluminous adding the vanilla near the end and whisking it in
  5. Sift in the flour in two parts, folding it in carefully after each addition. Be gentle so the batter stays nice and fluffy!
  6. Sprinkle over 2 tsp of cold water while folding in a second lot of flour
  7. Pour ¾ of the vanilla batter into the lined tin
  8. Gently fold in approx. half of the melted chocolate into the batter remaining in the bowl
  9. Spoon the chocolate mix into a piping bag (use a piping bag with a very small hole cut out of it)
  10. Pipe lines of chocolate mixture onto the vanilla batter to make a design of your choice and leave for a moment or two to settle into the white mix
  11. Bake for 10 minutes until springy to the touch
  12. Lay a tea towel and parchment on the worktop and turn out the hot sponge
  13. Using a knife, (when still warm, but be careful) score the sponge around 2 inches in from the short end to make it easier to roll.
  14. Roll up the sponge, using the parchment, and leave it to cool completely while still rolled up

For the filling:

  1. Whisk the cream and the xylitol together until it becomes nice and thick and a spreading consistency
  2. Refrigerate until ready to use
  3. Carefully unroll the cake
  4. Spread a layer of raspberry jam carefully across the base of the cake leaving around an inch at the end (this is so it doesn't all leak out the end when you roll it up!
  5. Now spread a thick layer of the cream on top of the jam and also leave the end free of filling
  6. Roll up the sponge again
  7. Use the remaining melted chocolate to drizzle over the top
  8. Decorate with freeze-dried or fresh raspberries if you fancy
  9. Refrigerate
  10. Take out of the fridge at least 15 mins before serving
  11. Enjoy!

Note: For an easier and equally delicious Swiss roll, leave out the chocolate mix and pour all the batter into the tin at the same time.